Doufu Potage

Materials Serving 4-6 persons Serving 4-6 persons

Beancurd 3 pcs
Water 1 liter
Chicken Meat 120 g
Dry Black Mushrooms 3 pcs
Chinese Ham 1 small slice
Green Pea 2 tbsp
Shells Moved Peanut 2 tbsp

Potage Solutioning
Salt 2 tbsp
Egg 1 pc
Oil 1 tbsp
Cornflour 2 tbsp
Salt 2 tbsp
Egg 1 pc
Oil 1 tbsp
Cornflour 2 tbsp

1) Boil chicken in 1 liter of hot water for 5 minutes
2) Take out and shred, soup for use
3) Soak dry black mushroom and China ham, wipe out water, then shred
4) Whisk the doufu, then add potage and mix it well
5) Boil doufu with 500ml of chicken soup and mix well
6) Heat other 500ml of chicken soup in wok, add shredded black mushroom
7) Add mixed doufu, peanut and shredded China ham, stir mix until soup boiled
8) Add pea while potage is boiled again, then add pea, serve

tbsp - table spoon
Potage is served better with some pepper

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