Easy Flour Tortilla Recipe

Flour Tortilla Ingredients And Equipment
2 Cups Flour Tortilla Mix
1/2 Cups Warm Water
Large Bowl
Measuring Cups
Rolling Pin
Cast Iron Skillet
Large Mixing Bowl

First Step: Kneading Four Tortilla Dough

Mix together in a large mixing bowl:
2 Cups Flour Tortilla Mix
1/2 Cup Warm Water

If your dough is not wet enough and is appearing crusty, or dry just add a tablespoon of water.

Once you do this take the dough out of the bowl and knead it for 5 minutes. If you have never kneaded dough before all you do is press it with the palms of your hand so that it is flat, then fold the dough in half and press down with your palms again, but this time you will be pushing the dough away from you. then repeat this for five minutes with your dough.

Second Step: Resting Flour Tortilla Dough

Once you have finished kneading your dough cover it with a wet paper towel and let it rest and relax for 15 minutes. (When I say wet paper towel I don't mean sopping wet. All you do is wad it up, get it wet under the faucet, ring it out and then un-wad it.)

Third Step: Cutting Flour Tortilla Dough

Now cut your dough into 8 equal parts.

Fourth Step: Rolling Flour Tortillas

First roll the chunks into balls. Then flour a bread board. Now flatten the balls on your floured surface so that they look like a round pancake. Once you do this then roll out your tortillas. They should be at least 6 inches around.

Please note that tortilla presses are for corn tortillas, a flour tortilla must be rolled out with a rolling pin.

Fifth Step: Cooking Flour Tortillas

Turn a burner on medium high and place the iron skillet on it. Wait for the skillet to heat up, then place one of the flour tortillas in the skillet. Once you see large bubbles appear on top use your spatula to get a peek underneath the flour tortilla (don't pop the bubbles). It should have large brown charred marks. If it does, flip it over and wait till the other side has charred marks before removing from the skillet. If it doesn't let it cook some more on this side before removing. Keep repeating the above step until all the tortillas are cooked.

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Easy Corn Bread Recipe

Corn Bread Ingredients
This recipe calls for:
1 Cup Corn Meal
1/2 Cup Flour
1/2 teaspoon Soda
1 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
1 Egg
1 Cup Buttermilk
4 Tablespoons Corn Oil

Corn Bread Equipment

For this recipe you will need:
Mixing Bowl
Iron Skillet
Measuring Cups
Measuring Spoons

First Step: Mixing Wet Ingredients
First Mix together well:
1 Cup Buttermilk
4 Tablespoons Corn Oil
1 Egg
Preheat your oven to 375 F.

Second Step: Adding Dry Ingredients

Now add and mix with the wet ingredients:
1 Cup Corn Meal
1/2 Cup Flour
1/2 teaspoon Soda
1 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Baking Powder

Third Step: Baking

First cover the bottom of the skillet with about 2 Tablespoons Corn Oil. This is what makes the corn bread a little crunchy around the edges (the mark of a good corn bread.) Then place the skillet on the a stove burner and let it heat on medium high until hot. You want to get the corn oil hot, but not burning. Once the oil and skillet is hot pour your corn bread batter in and then place this all in a 375 degree oven and bake for 20 minutes. Once it is done the top should be slightly brown.
Copyright © 2008 www.myhomecooking.net

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Easy Corn Tortilla Recipe

Corn Tortilla Ingredients And Equipment
For this recipe you will need:
2 Cups Maseca Corn Masa mix
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1 1/8 Cup Water
Tortilla Press, or rolling pen
Measuring Cups
2 Plastic Bags
Iron Skillet
Metal spatula

First Step: Corn Tortilla Dough

First mix together for about 3 minutes, or until it becomes a dough ball:
2 Cups Maseca Corn Masa mix
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1 1/8 Cup Water

(If it is a little crumbly just mix in a Tablespoon of water)

Then separate the dough into 16 equally sized pieces. Now you will want to form these globes into slightly flat little balls.

Second Step: Rolling, Or Pressing

Now there are two ways to do this with a rolling pin, or a tortilla press. We will show you both ways.
First Option

Place a floured (use Maseca Corn Masa Flour) plastic bag down on a bread board, put a ball of dough on top, then top this with another floured plastic bag and roll the tortilla out. Now slowly remove the top plastic bag, flip it over in your hand and remove the second plastic bag.

Second Option

The Second Option is using a tortilla press. If you like this recipe and want to do this again I would suggest buying one. They are not too expensive and it is great fun for kids to make tortillas using a press. They will have fun "Pressing" the tortillas for you.

Ok first you will need to lay a plastic bag down on the inside of the press, then flour it, put the dough ball down on it, put another plastic bag on top of it and then close the lid and press the handle down. Now flip the lid back and you should have a very nice round tortilla. Just remove It from the bags like I showed you in the First Option. Great Job! I have to admit I think it's kind of fun.

Pressing Corn Tortillas

Mess Up?

Now, I don't know who you are, or where you are, but I know you are out there, and you did not listen when I told you to use the bag! Yes, you have a hopeless mess. Now go back and do it right. You must put a bag (or wax paper) on the press, or the dough will stick to it.

Third Step: Cooking

Now, it is time to cook your tortillas. Put the Skillet on a burner that is set at medium heat. Then, quickly flop your tortilla on the skillet. Once you begin to see some bubbles appear, take your spatula and flip it over and let it cook on the other side. Once the other side is a little brown just remove it from the burner, and place it to the side.

Corn Tortillas

You did it! Great for you! You have successfully made corn tortillas!
When ever you are ready to use them, make sure you remember to soft fry them before serving.

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Easy Cheese Enchilada Recipe

Enchilada Ingredients
This recipe calls for:
3 Cups Chicken Broth (OR 3 Cups of Water)
1/8 teaspoon Red Pepper
3 Tablespoons Chili Powder
1 1/2 teaspoon Ground Cumin Powder
1 1/2 teaspoon Salt
3/4 teaspoon Garlic Powder
4 Tablespoons Corn Oil
4 Tablespoons Flour
Corn Tortillas
Cheddar Cheese
1 onion

First Step: Mixing Enchilada Sauce

Put a sauce pan on a medium heat burner and mix together:
4 Tablespoons Corn Oil
6 Tablespoons Flour
1 1/2 teaspoon Cumin Powder
1/2 teaspoon Salt
3 Tablespoons Chili Powder
1/8 teaspoon Red Pepper
3/4 teaspoon Garlic Powder

Cook for one minute, stirring the ingredients together.

Adding Water Second Step: Adding Water to Enchilada Sauce
Now add the three cups of water and keep stirring until it is thickened to the consistency of a thin gravy.
Keep sauce warm while you work on the rest of the recipe.

Third Step: Soft Frying Tortillas

Soft frying tortillas is quite easy. If you have never done this before we will show you how. (Never leave a skillet, or frying pan with oil in it unattended It could start a fire. If you have small children in your house make sure that the handle of your frying pan, or skillet is out of their reach. Also, Keep a sauce pan lid--that fits your frying pan--around any time you fry with hot oil; this way, if their is a fire, you can suffocate it out before it spreads beyond of the frying pan).

Put about 1/4th of an inch of corn oil in the frying pan. Turn the burner to medium high and let it heat up the oil. Then carefully place one of the corn tortillas in the hot oil. Cook for 5 seconds, then flip it over using a pair of tongs, or forks. Cook the other side for 5 seconds as well, before removing the tortilla from the pan. Once you remove it from the pan blot it off using paper towels. You will need to soft fry around 20 tortillas. This is so you will have a few extra.

Fifth Step: Grating The Cheese

Now its time to grate the cheese. You will want to evenly mix one cup of grated cheddar cheese with one cup grated Velveeta. It should look like the picture to the left once you have evenly mixed them.

You will also want to chop up your onion now.

Sixth Step: Dipping Tortillas In Enchilada Sauce
Now is when we start assembling the enchiladas. We will take you through making the first one. First you will want to give your enchilada sauce a quick stir to make sure it is still warm and well mixed. If it is not warm enough just turn the burner back on for a few minutes and heat it up a little. If you have to do this make sure you stir it at the same time. Now, lets get back to the instructions. You will want to take one of the soft fried tortillas and dip it in the enchilada sauce.

Seventh Step: Assembling Enchiladas
Once you dip your soft fried tortilla, then sprinkle 1/4 cup of cheese and a Tablespoon of onion, as seen to your left. Then roll it up and place it on a serving plate. You will want to do this with all of your tortillas. I would suggest making them on a different plate than what you are going to serve them on. The enchilada sauce will make it a huge mess if you don't.

Eighth Step: Topping Cheese Enchiladas

Once you have finished making all the enchiladas add a few more large spoonfuls of enchilada sauce on top along with more cheese and more onion. The pictures to the left will serve as a good guide to the amounts. If you skip putting the enchilada sauce on top they will taste more like a cheese taco rather than an enchilada. That wouldn't be good!

If your tortillas and enchilada sauce is not hot enough to melt the cheese then zap them in the microwave for about 30 seconds.

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