Easy Italian Prosciutto Lasagna Recipe

8 oz. Lasagna pasta noodles, cooked
8 oz. Italian Prosciutto, chopped
16 oz. can whole peeled tomatoes, chopped
1 cup. cottage cheese, lg. curd
1 cup. grated Parmesan cheese
1 lb. Mozzarella cheese, sliced thin
1 medium onion, chopped
1 lb. lean ground beef
4 tbs. fresh basil, chopped
4 cloves garlic, chopped or minced
1/4 tsp. oregano
ground black pepper
1/2 cup dry white
wine *(optional)
2 tbs. olive oil
fresh Basil sprigs for garnish
1. Cook lasagna noodles according to package directions or until tender but still firm. Drain, keep warm.

2.To make the sauce, in a large saucepan or cast iron skillet, over medium-high heat, saute the garlic, onion and prosciutto in the olive oil for 4 minutes. Add the lean beef, oregano, a touch of black pepper and saute 10 minutes. Add the wine and cook until the wine is almost evaporated. Add tomatoes and basil, reduce heat and simmer sauce 35 to 40 minutes or until most of the liquid has evaporated.

3. Grease a 9" x 12" or larger, deep sided baking pan. Arrange a first layer of lasagna noodles, a layer of the beef and prosciutto tomato sauce, cottage cheese, parmesan and mozzarella cheese. Add a second alternating layer of noodles, sauce and other ingredients. Repeat until pan is full ending up with a top layer of sauce. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and bake in a pre-heated oven at 400 degrees for 30 minutes. Garnish with fresh basil

Tip: When layering the pasta, place bottom layer in pan so the ends lay over the sides of the pan. For the final layer lay the ends from the first layer back-over the top. This helps to hold lasagna together when cutting serving portions.

*Note* If you prepare this recipe with wine be sure to mention it before you serve it to guests.

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Easy Italian Pesto Sauce Recipe

3 cups Italian Pasta (rotini, mostaccioli, rigatoni or fettucine)
1/4 to 1/3 cup finely chopped fresh basil (basilica)(can substitute 4 or 5 teaspoons crushed dry basil but not recommended)
4 to 6 garlic cloves, minced (adjust quantity to taste)
2 to 3 tablespoons olive oil (do not substitute with other cooking oils)
4 oz cream cheese (low fat or reduced fat)
1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese
1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
Cooking Pesto
1. Cook pasta according to package directions or until tender but still firm. Drain, keep warm.

2. Meanwhile, to prepare pesto sauce, saute basil and garlic in hot olive oil for 30 to 60 seconds, stir frequently. Garlic will begin to turn light brown. Reduce heat and add cottage cheese, cream cheese and parmesan cheese. Heat and stir until nearly smooth. Add parsley and 1/3 to 1/2 cup water (or milk). Cook uncovered for about 3 minutes over medium heat, stirring frequently. You can add more or less water (or milk) to reach desired consistency. Pour sauce over pasta and serve with french bread and extra parmesan cheese at the table. Makes 2 to 4 servings depending on appetite.

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Easy Giacomina's Authentic Pasta Asciutta

1 pound fettucine, tagliatelle or trenette pasta noodles
3/4 cup virgin olive oil
12 cloves fresh garlic
1 medium white onion
6 medium Idaho potatoes
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon freshly
ground black pepper
1 cube butter or margarine
1 pound fresh string beans
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese(good quality)
Cooking Pasta Asciutta

Peel potatoes and cube(cut to 3/4 to 1 inch pieces). Boil potatoes in salted water till tender. Do not over-cook. Meanwhile, steam string beans till tender but still crisp and set aside with potatoes.

In a heavy skillet or cast iron frying pan, heat oil and add halved cloves of garlic and finely chopped onion. Saute till golden crisp. Meanwhile, cook pasta noodles in salted water. Cook aldente (cooked just right). Drain, add potatoes, string beans and toss gently. Add butter to heated garlic and onion sauce to melt. Pour sauce over pasta mixture, add pepper, parmesan cheese and work through very gently. Serve this dish with extra parmesan cheese and french bread.

Options: To add a Pesto flavor, sprinkle with 1/4 cup finely chopped fresh basil (basilica) and toss gently to coat.

This recipe serves 6 to 8

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Easy Chicken Ravioli Recipe

1 1/2 pkgs.(8oz.) fresh chicken ravioli
3 tbls. butter
2 tbls. fresh Basil
3 tbls. shallots, minced
2 1/2 cups hot chicken broth
3 tbls. fresh sage, chopped
1/3 cup whole milk or half-and-half
4 tbls. flour, all-purpose
Parmesan cheese
salt and pepper to taste
Ravioli Sauce

1. Cook the ravioli according to package directions or until tender but still firm. Drain, keep warm.

2.In a heavy frying pan or cast iron skillet, saute the shallots in butter over medium heat till golden, 3 to 4 minutes. Reduce heat to medium low, stir in the flour for 1 minute then the sage and basil. Add the chicken broth and whisk till the sauce is thick, 4 to 5 minutes. Stir in the milk bringing the sauce back to a simmer. Remove from heat and salt and pepper to taste. Pour sauce over hot ravioli and toss to coat. Sprinkle generously with Parmesan cheese and garnish with an additional teaspoon of fresh chopped basil.
Serve hot with French bread and have extra Parmesan cheese at the table.

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Easy Baked Lasagna

1 lb.lasagna pasta noodles, cooked
2-16 oz. jars meatless sauce
1 lb. Ricotta cheese
1/2 C. grated Parmesan cheese
1 lb. Mozzarella cheese, sliced thin
3/4 C. chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, chopped or minced
2 tsp. salt
2 eggs, beaten
2 lbs. ground beef
1 tsp. Italian seasoning
Cooking Directions Cook lasagna noodles according to package directions or until tender but still firm. Drain, keep warm. Meanwhile, saute the ground beef, garlic and onion is a large heavy skillet or saucepan until beef is done. Add sauce, salt, and Italian seasoning and mix well. Simmer on low heat 12 to 15 minutes. In a separate bowl, combine eggs and ricotta cheese.

Grease a 15" x 12" or larger, deep sided baking pan. Arrange a first layer of noodles across the pan so the ends hang over the sides. (The ends will be laid back-over the top for the final layer. This helps to hold lasagna together when cutting servings) Then add a layer of the lasagna sauce, ricotta cheese and mozzarella cheese. Add a second alternating layer of pasta (lengthwise in the pan), the sauce and cheese mixture. Repeat until pan is almost full then fold over the ends of the first layer of noodles and top with more lasagna sauce. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and bake at 350 degrees for 40 to 45 minutes, or till cheese is bubbly.

Allow to set for 5 to 10 minutes before cutting. Serve this baked lasagna with sour dough French bread and have extra parmesan cheese at the table. This recipe can be modified to suit individual preferences.

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Easy Asparagus Pasta with Pesto

8 oz pasta noodles of your choice
1 cup chopped or sliced asparagus (use only the tender half or tips)
3 cloves garlic, squished and chopped, or minced
1/4 to 1/2 cup olive oil(do not substitute)
1/8 cup chopped onion (red or yellow)
1/4 to 1/2 cup fresh basil, finely chopped
grated Parmesan cheese

Quick Pesto: Saute garlic, and onion in olive oil until the garlic and onion turns light brown. Do not over cook. Set aside and keep warm.

Prepare the pasta of your choice according to package directions except for the following:
Add 1 to 2 cups additional water
Just before water begins to boil, add the asparagus or the vegetables of your choice. When the water begins to boil add the pasta and cook according to directions
Drain the pasta and vegetable mixture and pour the saute mixture and basil over the top, tossing lightly to coat. Top with parmesan cheese and serve with French bread. This pesto recipe makes 2 to 4 servings depending on appetite.

Asparagus in this recipe can be substituted with broccoli, string beans or zucchini.

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Easy cook Long Pasta (spaghetti, linguine, etc.)

1. Pasta must always be cooked in abundant salted water. The proportion should be 1 1/2 quart (approximately 1 1/2 liters) of water for 3 – 4 oz (100 gr) of dry pasta.
Use a large, tall stockpot. Bring to a boil the water necessary to cook the desired amount of pasta. Add the salt only after the water begins boiling. Salty water boils at a higher temperature, therefore taking a longer time. Add to the water about 1 teaspoon of salt per quart. The amount may vary depending on personal taste. If you don’t add salt to the water the pasta will taste very insipid and there will be a lot of contrast with the sauce that is salted. No Italian forgets to salt the pasta water!

2. Keep the pasta vertically over the boiling water and drop the pasta into the pot.

3. In few seconds the pasta will start softening. Using a long fork start pushing the pasta in the water until is fully submerged.
At this point the temperature of the water has fallen and it is not boiling anymore.

4. Place the lid on the pot and turn heat to high to bring the water back to a fast boil.

When the water comes to a fast boil again and the pot is covered, the steam will push the lid up and the water will splash out of the pot! You have to be there and remove the lid to continue cooking the pasta uncovered. It is dangerous to leave the pot unattended. The splashing water can easily extinguish the flame and the gas would freely come out of the burner.

5. Continue cooking the pasta uncovered. Mix with a long fork in order to keep the pasta pieces separate from each other. Adjust the flame to keep the water boiling but preventing it from splashing out of the pot.

6. Read the manufacturer’s instructions printed on the envelope for cooking time, but don’t trust them. The best thing to do is taste a little piece from time to time to test for readiness. Bite a little piece and you can tell if the core of the pasta is still whitish the pasta is not ready yet.
Testing will give you an idea of the time left to a perfect al dente pasta.
The expression al dente in Italian refers to the correct cooking point of pasta. Literally it means, “when it is right for the tooth,” that is, soft but firm, and never overcooked.
Before draining reserve some of the cooking water if the recipe requires it. If you are using a “dry” type of dressing you may want to add some of the water back into the mixing bowl.

7. Place the colander in the sink in a secure position. When the pasta is ready, turn the heat off. Grab the pot firmly: Don’t forget that most of the accidents in the house happen in the kitchen. Make sure nobody is in your way to the sink: Watch for the kids!

8. Add a little cold tap water to the pot to stop the cooking process: About 1/2 glass is enough. In fact, pasta keeps cooking even after you drain it. Also, this way the pasta will not be extremely hot when served. Make sure the recipe allows cooling the pasta. Some recipes require for the pasta to be very hot. You are not “washing” the pasta here! Don’t overdue it!

9. Carefully drain the pasta.

10. Shake the colander to drain the pasta thoroughly, unless the recipe indicates otherwise.

11. Pour the pasta into a bowl of adequate size. Add the dressing or sauce, toss it well, add cheese if indicated by the recipe, and serve immediately.
from http://www.annamariavolpi.com

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