Easy Rape al Limon

This recipe originates in the region of Valencia, which is known for its high quality and abundant citrus fruit. Oranges and lemons are not only enjoyed as fresh fruit, but are used extensively in cooking desserts as well as fish and meat dishes.

Although this recipe’s title calls for rape or monkfish, it may be as hard to find in your area as it is in Northern California supermarkets! So, we successfully substituted bass for the monkfish. Substitute any solid white fish.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
1 large clove garlic
grated rind of 1/2 lemon
juice of 1 lemon
salt and pepper
1 cup dry white wine
1 1/4 lbs. monkfish or other solid white fish
olive oil for frying
2 tbsp capers
lemon slices for garnish (optional)

Serves 4.

In a large frying pan with a heavy bottom, fry fish in approximately 1/4-inch olive oil, browning on both sides.

While the fish is frying, make the lemon sauce. Grate the lemon rind onto a plate. Juice the lemon. Set both aside.

Peel and crush garlic in a mortar and pestle and add the lemon rind, salt and pepper and mix, making a paste. Add lemon juice and stir.

Pour the lemon sauce and wine into the frying pan with the fish. Turn down fish and allow to simmer on low until the sauce is reduced a bit.

Add capers to the pan and stir. Turn off heat. Remove fish from pan and place on plates. Spoon sauce over the fish and serve with rice or fried potatoes.
By Lisa & Tony Sierra

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